Belgium caught vacant asylum seekers

World October 13, 2017 08:15

brussels - Belgium addresses the problem of celebrating asylum seekers in their own country. Last year and a half, 44 of them have been caught.

In most cases, there are Iraqis and Afghans. They escaped when they left for their home country from an airport from a country other than Belgium. Schiphol is attracted to people who want to conceal that they just go to their own family.

State Secretary for Asylum and Migration Theo Francken (N-VA) calls on his European colleagues in Het Nieuwblad to exchange more information.

Justice with our southern neighbors decides on a case-by-case basis whether a trip is allowed. Francken: 'There is a difference between someone who flies back and forth for a funeral or paper, and someone who is vacationing for three months. In the latter case, a dangerous situation may still be difficult. '

Francken promises cooperation with neighboring countries Germany and the Netherlands. Belgium also suits us when 'Dutch' asylum seekers travel through their airports.

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