Ajax fans still hope to be able to Utrecht
December 10, 2015 16:21
- The court decided Thursday that the decision of Jan van Zanen from Utrecht to keep Ajax fans at the game of Ajax FC Utrecht next Sunday was justified. Follow the action live here.
Fans of Ajax find that they are punished for the misbehavior of supporters from Utrecht in the previous game in the Galgenwaard, in April this year. Fans of the hard core of FC Utrecht sang antisemitic songs, which the club on a sentence of the KNVB came to be. The union explained the club is not only a fine, but also determined that must remain empty during the next match against Ajax Bunnik Side. FC Utrecht has the season ticket holders who are normally on the Bunnik Side, another place given in the stadium. Partly because of Van Zanen mayor fears problems. He therefore decided that Ajax fans are not welcome Sunday. The fans of the Amsterdam soccer Sunday would actually go protest against the decision, but was banned Wednesday by Van Zanen. There were signals received which supporters of FC Utrecht wanted to disrupt the protest. Follow the lawsuit here via our reporter Mike Muller. Tweets by_MikeMuller! Function (d, s, id) {var js, fis = d. getElementsByTagName (s) [0], p = / ^ http: /. test 'http', 'https'; if {js = d (d location.)? (d getElementById (id!).). createElement (s); js. id = id; js. src = p + ": platform // twitter.com / js widgets..."; fis. parent node. insertBefore (js, fis);}} (document, "script", "twitter-WJS");
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