November 20, 2015 16:15
- Researchers keep in mind that the fugitive Abdeslam Salah, one of the terrorists attacks in Paris, is on course for IS.
This was reported by The Independent. The most wanted man in Europe showed, according to the Belgian magazine Le Capitale to a friend that he would have regretted his role in the attacks. The attacks went too far in his opinion. His brother Mohamed called him before the media to surrender. The fugitive had stated the unnamed friend that he did not want to indicate to the police, because he fears that IS will take vengeance on his family. The suspicion is growing that Abdeslam has the task of IS is not finished. His role, the fugitive terrorist was the driver of the black Seat, in which some terrorists transported by the 11th district where the group then struck. Abdeslam set his brother off at Boulevard Voltaire, which then blew it. Then he drove to a ninth unknown perpetrator to the suburb of Montreuil, where the car was found Saturday again. Two friends of Abdel Slam have picked him up Saturday in Paris. Flight plan seems non-deen French police source reported to The Indepent which " nothing moves Salah Abdeslam reminiscent of a planned escape. It may be that he was in a panic or that he did not have the courage to kill himself. It is also possible that he was disgusted by what he has caused or that his bomb belt was not working. " The French police suspect Abdel Slam use a new name Yassine Baghli "and circulated a photo of the terrorist which he wears glasses and a wig.
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