2015 years of emotion

2015 years of emotion

December 7, 2015 11:42

- It was the Year of Twitter and #PrayforParis #JeSuisCharlie. More than ever investigated users of the social network around the world to support each other and let them hear massively during impact events. Twitter today presents its annual review.

Apart from Paris was on the social media talked a lot about gay marriage in the US In the top ten trending topics worldwide state with the hashtag Love Wins, created after the decision of the US Supreme Court to legalize gay marriage. Additionally led the riots that arose after Ferguson black teenager Michael Brown was shot one of the largest online social movements so far. #BlackLivesMatter This year more than nine million times tweeted.

Twitter has been driving as the chat with the ' virtual coffee '. " What is being discussed on Twitter is a reflection of what is happening in society ", says Marloes van der Laan, the Dutch department. " It was a year with many major negative events. It was striking that not only users with hashtags submit nominees, but very active support made ​​their pronouncements and statements. Not only in countries where the events took place, but worldwide. "

In the Netherlands, just like last year #vacature most often trending. A striking debutant in the top ten most popular topics were #drone. Because the drone easy for consumers to obtain, sharing of recordings made with drones popular.

Also new to the list is #pgbalarm. And failed the opposition in 2015, was known on Twitter or reach : the trouble to denounce around the personal budget. Using the hashtag pgbalarm forced victims of the automation chaos at the Social Insurance still off a parliamentary debate.

The accounts that grew the most were in particular that of top athletes. Tom Dumoulin got over 33 000 followers on the follow multitude of Dafne Schipper increased from 1 January 7503 to over 53 000 now, and is a leader Max Verstappen with nearly 150 000 new followers.

Sport is anyway a favorite subject among twitterers. Every day, the word soccer tweeted at least 5200 times in total there are more than three million tweets. Were strikingly positive messages about the match Ajax against Cambuur on 10 May. They were not so much about the game, but about how Ajax entered the field: hand in hand with their mothers to celebrate Mother's Day.

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