You can simply eat garden snails

Suffer from snails in your garden? Instead of eradicating them with poison, you can also simply serve them on a plate.

'You can eat slugs, especially the big reddish-brown ones. Even if it is not immediately a culinary masterpiece, 'says biologist and snail expert Thierry Backeljau in the Belgian Radio 1 program New Facts.

They are also usually not eaten, but apparently used in a syrup against colds. 'But according to me, no slugs are offered anywhere in the world as a starter. '

The Escargot Burgundy, the snails in some supermarkets, differ in principle not so much from other snails. 'They do not all have the same taste, and they are being cheated with it. One will sell more expensive escargots for cheaper, with meat from another snail in it. Experts will taste the difference, but not everyone will notice it, 'says Backeljau.

You only eat a small portion of such an Escargot de Bourgogne. 'The animal is removed from the shell, and a part of the animal, including the stomach and intestines, is cut away. What remains, for the most part muscle tissue, you put back in the shell. '

If you want to eat a snail from your garden, do the same: 'Let them live first so that they can excrete all their waste and empty their intestines. Put them in a tray with paper on the bottom. From the moment the excrement is white, their intestines are empty. Remove the intestines so that you only have the muscle tissue left. And always bake or cook: do not eat the snails raw. '

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