Woman jumps from aircraft during taxiing

Passengers on a plane that had just landed at the airport in Houston watched Tuesday got surprised when a woman opened the door and jumped out of the moving unit.

'I realized suddenly the door opened and a woman just stepped out,' said one of the passengers told CNN. He sat on the other side of the aisle and put a short video of the open door on YouTube.

The woman was injured by the fall, but is not in danger. What possessed her is unclear. They will not be prosecuted for her remarkable action, according to CNN.

'I realized suddenly the door opened and a woman just stepped out,' said one of the passengers told CNN. He sat on the other side of the aisle and put a short video of the open door on YouTube.

The woman was injured by the fall, but is not in danger. What possessed her is unclear. They will not be prosecuted for her remarkable action, according to CNN.