Woman blunders with jar

The Scottish Josh Moody had hoped for a thank-you note, but the reaction he got from fellow-housekeeper Megan Ellis (20) about the jug he gave her had a positive effect: thousands of likes and retweets.

Josh gave the jug because Megan always complained about cold nights. Soon he got a somewhat angry message: 'Hey, the water bottle you gave me does not work. I put water in it two hours ago and he is still not hot. '

Josh felt wet wetness. He delicately decided to explain the difference between a jug and a kettle: 'Did you warm up the water first?' He asked. Megan then said: 'I thought the jar would do that. '

Josh shared a screenshot on Twitter with the text: 'Ladies and gentlemen: my roommate', writes the Daily Mail. The message got tens of thousands of likes.