White House: no timetable for Syria action yet

The White House has announced on Wednesday that President Donald Trump has not yet prepared a timetable for an attack on Syrian targets as a retaliation for the use of chemical weapons by the government army.

Spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said that Trump, who warned the Russians via Twitter that the 'rockets are coming', has a number of options and not just military ones.

According to Sanders, all possibilities are still open and Trump is weighing up what is the best. He is still convinced that Syria and Russia are responsible for the poison gas attack and denies that he has created a problem with his tweets.

British Prime Minister Theresa May has sent submarines to a place from where they can reach Syria with Tomahawk cruise missiles. That is what the Daily Telegraph claims. A retaliatory attack could start on Thursday night.

According to the newspaper, May has not yet definitively decided whether to take part in the proposed actions by the United States and France, but wants to be able to respond quickly. On Thursday, her cabinet will discuss the issue. According to the BBC, May does not feel it necessary to ask parliament for approval for possible army deployment.

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