White House insults McCain: He is going to die anyway

A communications officer in the White House has insulted US Senator John McCain.

On Wednesday, McCain said he was against the nomination of Gina Haspel as the new boss of the CIA because of her past. He himself was once tortured during his military service in the Vietnam War and does not accept that Haspel- someone who once was in charge of an American prison in Thailand where terror suspects were being tortured- would be the head of the intelligence service.

Last week, the Republican McCain published his latest book in which he mercilessly deals with President Donald Trump, his fellow party member but now also his sworn enemy. McCain does not have a good word for the behavior of the real estate type on the political plush and accuses him of throwing American values.

McCain is seriously ill, he has an aggressive brain tumor that often leads him to the hospital and is hardly present in Washington when he votes in the Senate. The Republicans have a small majority of 51 against 49 seats for the Democrats.

It is still unclear whether Haspel gets the required 51 votes from the Senate for her nomination. Probably most of the 47 Democratic and the two independent senators vote against. Some Republican colleagues from McCain are also considering voting against. It is not yet clear whether McCain can be present at the vote because of his illness.

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