Weerman op Brocken works at minus 55

The Brocken, with 1141 meters the highest mountain in the north of Germany, is known for its weather records, varying from Siberian frost to wind speeds of hurricane power.

Weatherman Marc Kinkeldey experienced that Thursday when he stepped outside for measurements on the roof of the station with five floors. The thermometer indicated 'only'-19, by gust of 110 kilometers per hour the feeling-temperature was-55. 'We have the coldest workplace in Germany these days,' was his reaction.

The climate on the bare summit of the Brocken is comparable with that in the Alps at 2200 meters altitude, but it usually blows much harder. Still, it was not so bad, Kinkeldey said. 'At hurricane Friederike we measured 205 km / h. Then you could not stay on your feet. '