Webshops still in the error

Webshops consumers continue penalizing the failure to repay returns.

The Consumers ordered 675 articles in over 200 online shops that are popular for buying gifts for the holidays. At each store was bought something three times and returned in full within 14 days.

36% of the stores paid at least one of the three orders not return the delivery, 18% did so even when none of the three orders. In addition, many stores were paying the purchase price too late or sometimes not all the way back, despite several reminders.

Web shops are required by law to the purchase price, including delivery costs, refundable within 14 days of notification of the return.

'It seems to many online vendors but not by trying to reduce the repayment of delivery is not a favor or service, but a legal requirement that every shop has to meet,' said Bart Combée, director of the Consumer.

A complete overview of the performance of the surveyed shops can be found on the website of the Consumers.\n  \n  \n   advertisement

The Consumentenbond shares each year research with the supervisory authority Consumer \u0026 amp; Market. This has led to hefty fines for include T. O. M. (including Internet-sportandcasuals. Com), Beaver, Coolcat and Hipvoordeheb.