Warning of peace sign on selfie

The Japanese professor Isao Echizu warns people to be careful with making peace with the stabbing fingers on a selfie.

Echizu works for the Japanese National Institute of Informatics. In his fingerprints can even be stolen is taken as a picture of three meters. And that's a big risk, as more and more services are working with biometric information. Think for example of unlocking a phone or laptop. This is true not only for fingerprints, but also in front of the iris. With an iris scan, for example, at an airport check-in faster.

According Echizu this form of abuse previously not common yet. Meanwhile, this kind of biometric information is increasingly to be found over the internet and criminals can still easily get this information. ' Biometric information such as fingerprints do not change in a lifetime. I want to warn people how they can protect this data. '