Voltage for last Republican debate

The tension for the first caucuses in America (Monday, February 1st in Iowa) is rising rapidly.

         The arrows will tonight, starting three hours Dutch time, again focused on leader Donald Trump. The real estate tycoon has been pursuing for months against the odds in the polls, and decay is little evidence. Trump scores with his hard-edged statements on immigration and Muslims. And meanwhile is taken seriously into account that he will be nominated as the presidential candidate for the Republican Party. Although not all party bosses agree with that.
The political circus is the debate moved to the Center Coliseum in Charleston (South Carolina), a Republican state where after Iowa and New Hampshire are held the third state in February primaries.
Charleston was last year made headlines after a black church was attacked by racist Dylann Storm Roof nine worshipers shot dead.
It is expected that this evening certainly talks about the deepening of the Weapons Act, which President Obama wants to introduce outside Congress. The economy will also be further addressed because the debate is organized by the business channel of TV channel Fox.

Our correspondent Herman Tribe is present at the debate. Following its report from three hours of live here