Vodafone comes with radio service via 4G

Telecom Provider Vodafone has begun offering a push-to-talk service for business customers.

Push-to-talk works as the name implies: users can press a button in the corresponding app to talk. In addition, the app has to commence an integrated address book and group discussions can. The app can be used on any modern iOS or Android phone, but Vodafone also provides the Sonim XP7, which has a built-in button for this system.

In cooperation with Sonim Vodafone has also now Lone Worker Protect. This is a special service to make work safer. So the phone can give a loud signal if it detects that the user falls from a great height. You can also set an alarm to sound when the user for a specific period of time 'checking in.'

Vodafone is the first company in the Netherlands offering such a service. KPN has also for some time a push-to-talk service in the package for business customers.

Vodafone charges € 15 per month per user for the push-to-talk service. For € 50 per month is also the Push-to-talk Dispatch service available, which among other things can be seen where users when located. Lone Worker Protect service costs € 15 per month.