Vlogger will visit police after cycling A4 in pink underwear

A vlogger who cycled a bit on the A4 motorway in a pink underpants, may soon expect visits from the police.

The scantily clad cyclist made his trip on the A4 motorway at Rijswijk his YouTube channel All Day Junior. 'Who has ever done? Nobody. Join me after, in my underwear, 'he says at the beginning of the movie, then cycling on the ramp and merge onto the lane. A little further he goes back off the highway.

SEE ALSO: Half-naked man cycling on highway [VIDEO]

'This should not be an example for others,' emphasizes the police spokesman. The vlogger gave his movie entitled 'bicycles on highway in me pants (almost dead !?). '

Although the man with the video itself has provided evidence, it is still unclear whether it is legally possible to take action against him. That is what the police are in consultation with the Public Prosecution Service.