Vase from shoe box worth 16 million

A vase that was recently wrapped in a newspaper in a shoebox was found between the mess in the attic of a house in the French countryside and raised 16.

The 30 centimeter high vase from the time of Emperor Qianlong was part of an inheritance. Olivier Valmier, the specialist Asian art of Sotheby Paris, said that the salesman had stepped into the train with the treasure under his arm, then took the subway and walked the last part to his office on foot.

'When we opened the box at my desk, our mouths fell open in amazement at the beauty of the object. A great work of art. It was as if we had just discovered a Caravaggio, 'Valmier told the BBC. The name and nationality of the new owner has not been revealed, only that it is an Asian.

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