US work on Assange arrest warrant

The US Department of Justice is preparing to file charges for a arrest warrant for Juliet Assange, founder of the whistleblower WikiLeaks.

The Ministry has long been struggling with the question of how WikiLeaks could be tackled, as the freedom of expression was also at stake. According to CNN, however, the ministry has now found evidence that WikiLeak's former NSA analyst Edward Snowden has actively assisted in revealing the tapping practices of the US intelligence service. CIA director Mike Pompeo already labeled WikiLeaks last week as a 'hostile intelligence service'.

Assange has been in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London for years. He is being searched by Sweden in connection with a criminal case, but Assange fears that this is intended to deliver him to the US. The Americans hoped that a new Ecuadorian president would put Assange out of the embassy, ​​but it has become clear that he can remain in the embassy.