US veterans get new penis

A young American veteran who was severely wounded in the genitals, will soon have a new penis.

It is the first penis transplant in the US Only once before had such an operation, at a South African earlier this year. The man has even become a father after his transplant. Surgeons risk of Johns Hopkins University Hospital in Baltimore hope that the penis could already function well within a few months and that the soldier may later on have sex. Between 2001 and 2013 went into Iraq and Afghanistan in 1367 US soldiers seriously injured in their genitals. Especially by roadside bombs, writes the New York Times. Many of them suffer shame. " About this kind of injury you do not hear often, " says head of plastic surgery at Johns Hobkins Andrew Lee told the newspaper. " For a young man it is terrible to come home with a destroyed cross. " The surgeons have been allowed to perform sixty transplants. However, the surgery is not without risk. There is a risk of bleeding, infection and psychological complaints. Thus failed a penis transplant in China in 2006 because of "psychological rejection. "Chances are, according to surgeons, patients are presented with a new penis father.