US send immigrants to prisons

The US authorities put about 1,600 immigrants into federal prisons, where they can await their case.

Five federal prisons will temporarily arrest people waiting for their lawsuit. One prison in Victorville, California is preparing to take in a thousand migrants. Immigration service ICE reports that the decision has been taken to 'meet the demand for additional detention space for immigrants. '

In April of this year, some 51,000 people were arrested at the southern border of the United States, compared to 16. 000 in the same month last year. Under previous President Barack Obama, many immigrants were allowed to wait for their lawsuits in freedom or were they housed in ICE detention centers or local prisons.

Critics questioned the decision to place immigrants in federal prisons. 'A high percentage of ICE prisoners do not have a criminal record and are vulnerable in a prison,' said a former senior immigration service employee. He warned that employees of federal detention centers are accustomed to dealing with hardened criminals.

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