US politician to win election after suicide

"A Republican politician in the US state of New York on Tuesday won his election.

"Nojay, like many of his comrades an outspoken proponent of gun control, was indicted for fraud in Cambodia. According to US media, the FBI is also investigating him on suspicion of fraud and he was about to surrender when he Fridays, committed near the grave of his brother with a gun suicide."

"The local party leadership will now appoint someone to take on the Democratic candidate.\n  \n    \n     \n      \n        2:59\n      \n     Wilders has to vloggers\n     \n     \n      \n        1:00\n      \n     Chantal Janzen as for woman kickboxer\n     \n     \n      \n        0:40\n      \n     'Dries must not release album'"