UN court is looking into Karadzics profession

The UN war tribunal MICT in The Hague will consider the appeal in the Karadzic case on Monday and Tuesday.

Karadzic was president and supreme commander of the armed forces in the so-called Serbian Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. After the Bosnian civil war, he managed to stay thirteen years out of the hands of the judiciary. Karadzic was arrested in a bus in Belgrade in July 2008 and then extradited to the tribunal. His trial before the tribunal in The Hague took years.

Prosecutors appealed because they felt that Karadzic should have a life sentence. Karadzic found in his turn that he did not receive a fair trial. He demanded acquittal or a new trial. Both the prosecutors and the former leader of Bosnian Serbs can argue their case at the MICT this week.

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