Uber driver suspected of shooting US

A taxi driver working for the taxi service Uber is suspected by the police of the shooting Saturday in the US state of Michigan, in which six people were killed.

The police have a 45 year old Uber driver Jason Dalton Sunday arrested on suspicion of randomly shooting people at three sites in the city of Kalamazoo, 240 kilometers west of Detroit. It is also found a firearm. Uber confirms that the accused works for the taxi service. Whether he was working at the time of the shooting, the company could not say.

Four women shot dead Saturday in the parking lot of a restaurant were a father and son in a car company. A 14-year-old girl who was hit at the restaurant by the flying bullets, is in critical condition in hospital, reported public broadcaster NPR. The police had wrongly been declared dead.

The suspect had arrest, according to the authorities without any problems. He worked and was quiet.