\u0026 # x27; Dirty tricks \u0026 # x27; campaign Russians, fear of complete cyber attack

Russia has started a campaign of 'dirty tricks \u0026 # x27; \u0026 # x27; against Great Britain and the United States after the attack on Syrian targets.

It is feared for a complete cyber attack by Moscow. Russia has repeatedly warned in the days before the attack for consequences that would continue. A parliamentary source in London speaks of 'dirty tricks'.

'I think we should take every precaution,' British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said in an interview with the BBC. 'If you see what Russia has done, not only in this country in Salisbury but attacks on TV stations, on democratic processes, on crucial national infrastructure, we must be very, very careful. 'In Salisbury, a Russian former double spy was attacked with nerve gas.

Washington is also seeing a sharp increase in Russian fake accounts spreading disinformation, for example, that 70 per cent of missiles in Syria would have been knocked down. In a day, the Pentagon saw the number of fake accounts increase by 2,000 percent.

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