\u0026 # x27; Alsatian sauerkraut \u0026 # x27; must come from Alsace

The name 'Alsatian sauerkraut' can now only be used by local producers.

The fermented white cabbage, often served in the Eastern French region with lots of sausage and bacon, is a culinary tradition that has existed since the Middle Ages. The procedure to make white cabbage sauerkraut is passed on from generation to generation.

'This is the recognition of our craftsmanship,' says the chairman of the French sauerkraut producers. Alsatian producers have to abide by a set of rules to use the label for sliced ​​white cabbage. Alsatian becomes sauerkraut. In the region, 70 percent of all sauerkraut that is eaten in France is produced, and 20 percent in the EU.

Many villages in Alsace still organize sauerkraut feasts every year in autumn.

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