\u0026 # x27; Agreements on final bill brexit \u0026 # x27;

Negotiators have reached an agreement in principle on the amount that London still owes to the EU.

The newspaper writes that the British government had hinted to pay 40 billion euros for the divorce. Prime Minister Theresa May had to raise that amount last week. Sources in Brussels denied to press agency Bloomberg that there is already a final agreement. The negotiations would go in the right direction.

The withdrawal bill for the United Kingdom from the European Union is a sensitive issue in the negotiations between London and Brussels. The exact amount, according to sources of The Daily Telegraph, would have been deliberately blurred. The definitive final invoice will only be quantified later on the basis of an agreed calculation method.

The European Commission did not want to respond to the message in the newspaper. A British government source said 'not to recognize' in the article.