Two members punk band Pussy Riot arrested

Two members of the activist Russian punk band Pussy Riot were arrested on Monday near the Siberian city of Jakutsk.

Olga Borisova and Maria Aljochina have hung on a banner on Sunday with bivoucuts on the banner with 'Free Sentsov' on the prison bridge. They also stopped colored smoke bombs. Via Twitter, Borisova announced that she would 'explain to the police about the demonstration'.

Pussy Riot is famous for the bold performances in 2012 against Russian President Vladimir Putin and his government. Two of the three band members were convicted of 'vandalism and religious hatred' for a performance in a Russian cathedral until two years ago. In 2013 she came back free.

Olga Borisova and Maria Aljochina have hung on a banner on Sunday with bivoucuts on the banner with 'Free Sentsov' on the prison bridge. They also stopped colored smoke bombs. Via Twitter, Borisova announced that she would 'explain to the police about the demonstration'.

Pussy Riot is famous for the bold performances in 2012 against Russian President Vladimir Putin and his government. Two of the three band members were convicted of 'vandalism and religious hatred' for a performance in a Russian cathedral until two years ago. In 2013 she came back free.