Trumps team travels to Europe biding

The European countries hope this week to get a clearer picture of what the United States has in mind with NATO and international security.

American ministers traveling this week off to Europe for a number of important meetings. Wednesday and Thursday are the eyes on Defense Secretary James Mattis. He will be in Brussels to ask his NATO counterparts to concrete plans to increase their defense spending.

Foreign Minister Rex Tillerson end of this week at a G20 agreement in Bonn and Vice President Mike Pence live from Friday Mattis, Tillerson and thirteen senators a major security conference in Munich. Pence brings next Monday a visit to Brussels for talks with representatives of the European Union and NATO.

During the NATO council stand in defense spending high on the agenda, said Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg Tuesday. He reported that in Canada and the European NATO countries have increased by 3.8 percent last year, but that is not enough long.

The agreement is that the NATO countries in 2024, 2 percent of their gross domestic product (GDP) try to spend more on defense, but now get just a few of the 28 Member States. Netherlands is less than 1.2 percent well below the European NATO average of 1.43 per cent.

The European ministers will point out that the European budget does not decrease any longer and they also contribute greatly to NATO operations in Afghanistan and Iraq among others. The target of 2 percent, according to people involved certainly not feasible for all Member States.

The extent to which European countries to vote with the US desire to act more NATO against terrorism is still uncertain. But they will agree to establish a coordination center in Naples, Italy, in the fight against terror, arms and human trafficking.

Although Trump has sown more doubts about US support for an attack on allies who pay enough, is the fear of US detachment departed in such a case, insiders say. But there are, according to them enough reasons for European countries anxious and even nervous about the US lineup.