Trump warns Israel settlements

The US president Donald Trump has warned Israel and said that it should stop announcing the building of new settlements.

An official of the White House told the newspaper that should stop all parties with unilateral actions. Washington, confirm that it is committed to a two-state solution. According to the official White House undermine the announcements of new settlements Trump's efforts to get peace in the Middle East.

The White House came later with an official statement: 'Although we do not think that the existence of settlements is an obstacle to peace, but the building of new settlements and expansion on the current limits might not help in achieving peace. '

The Government of Trump has taken no official position yet on the construction of settlements. The declaration states that it is looking forward to discuss it when the president of the US on February 15 met Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Israel announced in the first two weeks of Trump's presidency a total of 5500 new housing on to build the West Bank. Barack Obama, who made way for Trump, often criticized Israel's settlement policy.