Trump stops divorcing children and parents immigrants

Immigrant children who pass the southern border of the United States will be held together with their parents.

American media reported earlier on the day that Trump 'was going to change something', after a storm of criticism came to him. The zero-tolerance policy led to illegal immigrants being immediately detained- in huge numbers, separating children from parents.

The White House initially defended itself by stating that US legislation prescribes this, and that the Democrats frustrated a proposed long-term solution of the Republicans. Trump openly blamed the Democrats on Twitter for the abuses.

Still, the White House could not keep looking away when the indignation grew to large proportions. The Dutch government also expressed its disapproval and informed Washington directly. On social media, the subject was trending topic for days.

The decree signed by Trump ensures that the families get priority in the immigration process, so that procedures will run faster, reports Reuters. The zero-tolerance policy remains in force, apart from the separation of parents and children.

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