Trump seeks out critics as CIA chief

US President Donald Trump has included it for the intended new director of the CIA, Gina Haspel.

Trump wants Haspel to lead the CIA, but her appointment must be approved by the Senate. Haspel would have considered withdrawing her application for the post last week. She feared, according to US media sources, that the reputation of the CIA would be damaged in a political battle over her appointment.

The criticism of Haspel focuses on its involvement in the controversial interrogation and detention program of the intelligence service, which was created after the 9/11 attacks. Haspel would have been in charge of a secret CIA prison in Thailand in 2002, where at least one suspect was now waterboard.

Trump said in his tweet to critics of his candidate: 'The Democrats want to get rid of her because she is acting too harshly against terrorism,' the president complained. He closed his message with 'win Gina. '

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