Trump pushes conservative judge forward for Supreme Court

The conservative judge Brett Michael Kavanaugh has been put forward by US President Donald Trump to sit in the US Supreme Court.

The 53-year-old Kavanaugh must replace the moderately conservative judge Anthony Kennedy. At the end of June, Kennedy (81) announced that he is stepping down as a member of the highest court on 31 July, making the post vacant. The appointment must be ratified by the Senate.

His appointment will not turn the relationship within the nine-member Supreme Court upside down. It is possible that the highest court will move a little further to the right, because Kennedy could sometimes be liberal in subjects such as abortion and gay rights.

Kavanaugh was nominated in 2003 for a place at the Court of Appeal in Washington D. C. Because of allegations that Kavanaugh would be partial, he was only appointed by the Senate in 2006. Kavanaugh was also involved in the demotion in the 90s against Bill Clinton, who was president at the time, because of alleged perjury and obstruction of justice.

'He is a brilliant lawyer with a clear and effective writing style, generally regarded as one of the best and sharpest legal minds of our time,' Trump praised his candidate after publication.

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