Trump nightmare for Europe

With the election of Donald Trump has become a nightmare reality for European politicians.

'We will have to live with him,' sighs VVD MEP Hans van Baalen. 'I think the chances are he will have to moderate his tone anyway. The Congress will ensure that he is not too crazy antics. '

Van Baalen will Trump unfit as a leader of the most powerful democracy on earth. 'He is not qualified, but it can be easy. Let us hope that the US is not isolationist country. Since the US is far too important for that. '

Labour MEP Kati Piri mentions the victory Trump 'the second major blow to the EU in a year. 'Earlier the Brexit namely already hard arrived in Brussels and now there will be things must be done with a man who is absolutely not the European leaders chewed because of his vulgar street fighter style and disjointed political ideas.

'What does this mean for our security?' Piri asks. She is very worried about NATO, which Trump has said that collective defense, based on the alliance, is sacred to him. 'This guy will get it fine if Asian countries nuclear weapons. He wants to build walls, minorities are put aside, 'she sums up.

'Much will depend on whether what he said, will be translated into action,' trying Marietje Schaake (D66) to keep the courage there. 'I hope Congress can keep him in check. '\n  \n  \n   advertisement

The EU should immediately enter into talks with Trump. 'What's his agenda? With Hillary least we knew what to expect. 'Trump, who wants to tear trade agreements, will encounter in their own country very much resistance, Schaake expected. 'I think there is a huge movement is initiated against it by Trump proclaimed isolationism and protectionism. '