Trump: Europe is just as bad as China

The trade policy of the European Union is 'perhaps as bad as that of China.

During the interview, Trump defended his decision to allow American trading partners to pay import duties on steel and aluminum. He made it clear why the EU has also had to pay these rates since 1 June, although the European countries had initially been granted a postponement.

'The European Union may be just as bad as China, but it is smaller,' Trump said. 'It is terrible what they do to us. They send their Mercedes here, but we can not send our cars to them. They also do not want to buy our agricultural products, because they protect their farmers. '

'Europeans had a trade surplus of $ 151 billion last year,' the president continued. 'And we also pay a fortune to NATO to protect them. '

'We all love the European countries very much', it still sounds. 'But they treat us very badly. They have dealt with us very unjustly. '

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