Trump: EU falls apart

In one of the first interviews as a prospective president with a European newspaper Donald Trump declares that the European Union is actually Germany.

In the interview with the German newspaper Bild says Trump to expect that after the British also other countries will leave the European Union. 'People and countries want their own identity, like the United Kingdom. The people do not want other people entering their country and destroy it, 'said the right-wing populist. He stated that it had not come to the Brexit without the refugee crisis. 'That was the drop that made the cup run. '

The Republican delivers sharp criticism of the Atlantic alliance, 'NATO is outdated. The countries do not pay what they should pay. 'It is also critical to the Netherlands, which are not paid the agreed two percent of its budget on defense.

He also announced tighter border controls. 'There will be extreme security to which is different from now. Now there are no real checks. 'It could be that this will also apply to EU citizens.

Furthermore Trump admitted: 'I love Germany'.

But that does not stop him from lashing out at the generous refugee policies of Angela Merkel. 'They made a catastrophic mistake by all the illegal immigrants to leave the country. 'But he still has a lot of respect for her. 'She is by far one of the most important government chiefs. I had the feeling that she is fantastic, a great leader. '\n  \n  \n   advertisement

Trump says that the Gulf States must pay for the refugee crisis. 'They still have money like water. 'In addition, Trump advocate of safety zones in Syria. He further cites the Iraq war as 'the biggest mistake in American history. We have unleashed something there that was like throwing stones into a beehive. '

The war in Afghanistan bothers him. 'We have been seventeen years since. That's the longest war in which we are ever caught. These wars will never end. 'According to Trump the Taliban are stronger each year.

Syria and particularly Aleppo him go to the heart. Before that, he gives the Russian president Putin also to blame. 'We had the chance to do something,' he sneered at Obama, who drew a red line and then it pulled out of no consequence. 'Nothing has happened. When we had a chance and now it's too late. Now everything is over. '

Trump is proud of his German origin, because his grandfather was an emigrant and full-blooded German. Grandpa Trump, however, was an economic refugee who illegally left the country.

The Republican politician said in an interview with Bild newspaper his grandfather's hometown Bad Durkheim in the west of Germany as his favorite place in Germany. He has, he says, also German traits: 'I love order and force. '