Tree! Koreas leaders plant pine

The leaders of South and North Korea, President Moon Jae-in and Kim Jong-un, have planted a pine tree together at the dividing line between the two Koreas, where they met for a summit on Friday.

The tree dates from 1953, the year in which the hostilities in Korean war were stopped after three years of bloody battle. It never came from a formal peace. The front line from those days divides the two countries. The line is indicated at the meeting point of Moon and Kim, at border crossing Panmunjom, by a sort of concrete threshold. The two leaders agreed hand in hand at the beginning of their summit.

The two planted the tree for peace and prosperity. Over the roots the leaders created earth from the south and from the north. Kim watered the roots with water from the river Han in the south of the peninsula and Moon watered the roots with water from the river Daedong in the north, reported news agency Yonhap.

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