Toddler lost 2 hours, Belgian parents have nothing

Agents in Diest, Belgium, had to entertain a two-year-old toddler for two hours on Wednesday, who wandered around alone through the town.

'A passerby struck the child around 08.00 hours', says police chief Jan Vanhauweren to Het Laatste Nieuws. 'The child was cheerful and in good health, but could not make it clear where it came from. Our people have taken care of her. '

Where her parents lived, the girl could not immediately make it clear. An intensive search followed. First pictures of the child were made. Six agents then set out with these photos. Others searched in the population register at the office.

'Finally, after two hours, we could find the parents and the girl's house, about five hundred meters from where she was found,' continues the chief of police. 'The parents had not yet noticed her disappearance. The mother was sleeping because she had worked at night and the father had been out of the house for a while, thinking that the girl was sleeping. '

The girl had opened the door with her own hands and had 'gone for a walk', according to the police. She is doing fine right now. How the parents reacted exactly when agents brought in their daughter, the police do not say.