To do this zombie drug Spice with your

Shocking images will be clear how intense the effects of zombie drug Spice.

Especially in Manchester is the popular drug. These images were made in the British town and show three people in an almost frozen state.

Last month Britain was shocked by pictures of Spice users, especially young people. An employee of Barnabus homeless shelters in the city called it a very worrying situation. 'There is an epidemic. '

Read our report in Manchester: City of Zombies

Spice was until last year a so-called legal high. You were stoned, but it was not a prohibited drug. The stimulation means on amphetamine-based were sold under the brand names such as hardly-concealing GoCaine and Annihilation. In April last year the legal highs were illegal.

In the Netherlands, Spice is not so popular, probably because weed buy here legally in coffee shops.