Thousands of false positives fireworks nuisance

The hotline fireworks nuisance this year has received so far, 4000 false alarms.

According to the councilor of GroenLinks in Rotterdam, the site for many years suffered from DDoS attacks from opponents who want to take down the site. A vulnerability succeed anymore, but we now have very many false positives within. However, we have them all removed from the total. Minus the spam we had Tuesday around noon 21. 000 messages inside.

Various media have in recent days the numbers questioned because it would be easy to do a false positive. From the Dam many messages were sent from the same IP address. It is unfortunate that this happens, because we definitely want to give a reliable and discreet image. We also secure the site against spam. We assume that there are no false alarms can now be done.

With the hotline GroenLinks wants the House and municipalities provide insight into the nature and size of the fireworks problem. All reports are in a report presented to them.