This professor stalked girl with 800 messages a day

An American teacher from the University of Central Florida has been arrested for bombarding a student with instant messages.

The 39-year-old Ali Borji officially had the title of assistant professor. He is now gone, after the student decided to go to the police. She received educational help from Borji, but after a few appointments she asked for a private account. The student agreed. Later she decided that the relationship should remain 'professional', according to local media.

Borji thought differently about that. He sent more than 800 messages a day, say the prosecutors. 'Our detectives are short on the case. We have a policy of zero tolerance on this type of behavior, 'says a spokesman for the police.

One of the messages was: 'You have to be glad that someone likes you so much, that he stalks you. You think I'm crazy, and maybe that's true, but I still love you! 'When the student did not respond to his advances, the assistant professor had a Plan B: he threatened to get an artificial intelligence version of her. to make 'everything possible' that he wanted.

The professor is no longer working at the university. He is suspected of stalking and is temporarily stuck, awaiting his lawsuit.

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