This girl is without parents in a camp of Al-Qaeda

The four-year-old Yasmine from Belgium has been imprisoned for almost a year in Syria, and now that her radicalized father has been killed, she is alone in a camp of Al-Qaeda.

That is what Het Laatste Nieuws writes. The father of Yasmine, Mehdi Atid, took the infant to Syria about eleven months ago. The man, who presumably radicalized in prison, picked up his daughter Yasmine with his ex-wife in the last weekend of May. He promised to bring her back that same weekend, on Sunday.

But he did not: he removed his ankle strap and managed to reach Syria with the little girl. He did so by taking a bus to Germany under another identity, by traveling to Italy and then taking a boat in Greece. His cell phone was last registered there.

Once arrived in Syria, Atid joined a terrorist group linked to Al-Qaeda. His daughter stayed with him all this time, but now that the father has probably died, the girl is left alone with the terrorist group.

And she is not going to give her back just like that. 'The terror group has appointed a guardian to take care of the girl,' says a source to the newspaper Het Laatste Nieuws. 'It is clear that they do not intend to let the girl go back to her mother in Belgium. They want to raise her herself. '

The Belgian government is up to date and the security services keep a close eye on the situation. Yet nothing can be done for the time being: in Syria there is currently no government in some places, so the government can not talk to anyone to facilitate a return.

The terrorist group would not be open to consultation, while organizing a liberation action is too dangerous and could put Yasmine even more at risk. Both her mother and the government are currently powerless.

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