The Vatican reacts shocked to child abuse

The Vatican has responded with dismay to the reports of long-term and large-scale child abuse by Catholic clergy in the United States.

This week, investigating authorities in Pennsylvania revealed that more than 300 priests have violated thousands of minors in the past seventy years. According to the Vatican, only two words apply: 'Shame and regret. '

Spokesman Greg Burke called the American scandal Thursday night 'criminally and morally reprehensible. 'The victims have been deprived of their pride and faith. The church must draw 'hard lessons' from its past. The perpetrators and those who have made the abuse possible must be held accountable.

According to Burke, the pope is on the side of the many victims. They have the 'highest priority'. 'The church will listen to them' to exterminate these tragic horrors that have ruined the lives of the innocent. '