The heel proposal is followed

A Medieval pilot balloon in a Mexican TV debate for presidential candidates to cut off their hands with thieves has been followed immediately.

The independent candidate Jaime Rodriguez, nicknamed El Bronco (Wild Horse), suggested on Sunday evening Mexican national television to cut off with thieves from now on.

On Monday it was right in the seaside resort of Acapulco. With a body cut into pieces, a handwritten message from the murderers was found.

'El Bronco has already said it. Tackling hands off criminals gets priority here. '' It happens more often in Mexico that conflicting criminal groups put down messages to play public opinion.

The victim in question would have extorted citizens himself in Acapulco. His body parts were found along a busy street in the formerly famous coastal town.

Already during the TV debate, the negative reactions to social media rained on Rodriguez's remarkable proposal. The current governor of the province Nuevo Leon wants his proposal to stop the stealing of public money by politicians and civil servants.

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