Terrorism expert layoffs for fictitious career

The US television network Fox News has dismiss an employee posing as ' terrorism expert ' and claimed that he had worked for the CIA.

Wayne Simmons kept his former employer and the millions of TV viewers for his 1973 to 2000 worked at the CIA as "outside paramilitary special operations officer . He has repeatedly claimed that he had access to " highly classified information " and that he regularly ' chores ' did for the US government. Simmons was arrested Thursday on suspicion of misconduct , fraud and forgery .

The prosecutor of the State of Virginia Simmons writes that it " was overseas active" as an assistant to senior military officers , but finds the claims Simmons does go too far. Simmons was regularly featured on FoxNews since 2002 , where he was specializing in terrorism.

FoxNews apologized in a statement and said that the Simmons " never paid for his work. " Simmons was in addition to his role as an expert on television also active as a writer, he contributed to several books on terrorism.