Ten days of maternity leave in the EU closer

A ten-day partnership leave of at least 80 per cent of the gross salary appears to be the approach of the European Parliament in negotiations on new EU legislation.

The entire parliament must give its approval in September. Thereafter, negotiations with the Member States and the European Commission can begin. The Member States also agreed on maternity leave for ten days last month, but they state that each country itself must determine the amount of the benefit. Minister Wouter Koolmees (Social Affairs) voted against ten days.

In the Netherlands, the fully paid partner leave will be increased from two to five days next year. Dutch employees will be entitled to five weeks of additional leave at 70 percent of the wage in the first half of the year from the start of 2020.

The majority of EU ministers also voted in June for four months of parental leave, of which at least a month and a half should be paid at a level that each country determines. The Dutch entitlement to parental leave is now 26 times the number of hours worked per week and is unpaid.

EU parliamentarian Agnes Jongerius: ' The Dutch government remains the only one in Europe to put the brakes on the improvement of father and parental leave. Even with the new plans of Minister Koolmees, the Netherlands remains a moderate middle engine in the EU. The EU parliament does advance when it comes to a good work-life balance. ''

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