Syrian refugees filming girl in dressing room

Two refugees from Syria are caught Wednesday night, when she was a 15- year-old girl filmed that was changing.

This writes the Flemish newspaper Het Laatste Nieuws. The two men followed the girl to the communal dressing room. One then stood guard while the other used his phone to film the girl secretly. As they got what was happening, the girl broke into a scream. Toegesneld the pool staff could grab the two refugees in the collar. The pair has been filming a swimming ban. Police are investigating the case, but the refugees have not yet been arrested. The Syrians have cleared the movie soon after they were caught. The two have only been two weeks in Belgium. KlachtDe father of the girl filmed hopes the incident will haunt his daughter, so he told Het Laatste Nieuws: " I hope she realizes that something like that is rather exceptional. Nevertheless, we have filed a complaint with the police and we demand a full investigation. We also heard that it's not the first time that these men were in the pool. " The latter confirms Sport alderman Marc de Keyrel to Het Laatste Nieuws: " But our pool staff has figured out that they previously have caused no problems in the pool. " According to Keyrel is whether the two fugitives to be extradited to Belgium following the incident does not arise.