Syria reports dropping fired missiles

The Syrian Ministry of Defense said it intervened on Monday night after a rocket attack aimed at Shayrat Air Base near the city of Homs.

According to Syrian television, the missiles were defused by anti-aircraft guns. The television showed images of the knockdown of a projectile. Whoever fired the missiles is not yet known.

The United States responded to the incident. According to a spokesperson for the US Department of Defense, the US is not behind the attack. 'There are currently no US military activities in the area going on,' the Pentagon said.

A spokesman for the Israeli army confirmed neither denied involvement in the attack. 'We do not comment on these messages. '

Elsewhere in Syria, the pro-Iranian Hezbollah movement reports that Syria has defused three missiles aimed at the Dumair military airfield, northeast of the capital Damascus. Again, it is not clear who is behind the launch.

No reports of victims are known about both shelling.

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