Swiss vote on basic income

The Swiss vote tomorrow on the basic income.

Fifth of the Swiss feels what the bold plan of Daniel Häni. On an advertising poster, the man in a bank tresor at breakneck speed from a high cash mountain to ski down, as if he were a real Scrooge McDuck. Two roguish youth sitting beside it on a sled and throwing coins.

Other people's money, of course. For Father State would provide basic income for everyone.,, I almost never met anyone who would not work anymore, if he was not forced. But everyone is worried that the others would then be lazy, 'says Häni.
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He is not alone with his utopian thoughts. The famous American economist Milton Friedman felt there is something for, like the Finnish Government, which is doing a test. In Utrecht, an attempt is made, as in the past in small Canadian towns and Namibian villages.

But employers and workers see little merit in the plan.,, The question is whether you can tolerate that another gets what he needs to live as he or she may not be a productive member of society, 'says Häni.

The gastronome of Basel know that with digitization, globalization and advances in automation much more work with fewer people and above can be performed by robots. And many workers and workers no longer needed, and run to impoverish the risk.