Swiss student teacher must give hand

Pupils in schools refuse to shake hands with their teacher or teacher may be fined in the Swiss canton of Basel-Land to 5,000 francs (4,500 euros).

The education authorities in the densely populated district just below the city of Basel have decided this Wednesday, Swiss media reported. The ruling is one in a protracted legal battle, following the refusal by two Muslim students their teacher in a primary school to give a hand.

The education authority said that the public interest with regard to equality between men and women and to weigh the integration of foreigners in the country outweighs the interest of freedom of religion.
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Greeting with a handshake from the teacher is common in many Swiss schools. Two boys of Syrian origin refused to give a teacher hand at school in Therwil. They said that their Muslim religion does not allow them to have physical contact with young people and unmarried women who are not related. The school gave them special permission to refuse the handshake, but it has led over Switzerland to a major political and legal battle.