Swastika on sleeve? Then free to theater

If you wear a sleeve band with a swastika on it, you can enter the Stadttheater of the German Constabulary on the day of Adolf Hitler's birthday.

It is not surprising that this plan causes noise in Germany, but the theater makers want to find out how fast people can be corrupted for a bit of money.

According to director Serdar Somuncu it is a kind of alarm. Theater is there to discuss matters and to dispel discussions, he said at a press conference. ' We have said from the beginning: we do not want the spectators to experience from a distance what has happened in the past century. We want to make it clear to the spectators that this is happening again at this moment. '

Fifty interested parties have already reported for a free ticket, according to the theater, divided over the premiere and the thirteen following performances. The people with a swastika are also part of the staging, because the symbol lights up in the room during dark moments. No more than ten people get a free ticket per night, in a room of 396 places.

The German-Israeli community in the region and the Gesellschaft für Christlich-Jüdische Zusammenarbeit in Konstanz point out that there is also a third possibility: do not buy a ticket. The theater finds the burnt-out discussion 'valuable and necessary', 'We take the actual objections and worries very seriously and follow the social debate exactly'.

In the play, which was performed for the first time in the Netherlands in 1989, the young Hitler has just sworn for the art academy and lives in a Viennese home for the underprivileged. Two Jewish men take care of the man who will become the greatest enemy of their people. It is not a reconstruction, but a piece about good and evil.

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