Surgeons advice: walk like penguins on ice

BerlijnEen remarkable advice of trauma surgeons to Germans to prevent them from slipping during the upcoming period of frost and end up in the emergency room, 'walking like a penguin on the ice.

can be read on the German association of orthopedic and trauma surgeons website you should ensure that your torso leaning forward so that your center of gravity rests on your front leg. A drawing of the running technique is further clarified.

In addition, surgeons have more tips such as: support each other or walk past a house or a handrail, wear shoes with profile or spikes.

Furthermore, the doctors recommend to leave the bike stand as it is smooth. Which does not have the winter tires.

Germany is predicted will face in the coming days across the country with severe frost. Saturday, temperatures are expected to-10 degrees Celsius.

Two years ago, hundreds of people broke bones during the same period of frost. Berlin was the city council criticized because the sidewalks were not scattered.